Have a Plan Reach Amazing Productivity Work on your habits


One day, one of my mentors made me buy a High Performance Planner. I fell in love with it and never stopped using it. Why ? Because it helps me to seek CLARITY. CLARITY for the next 5 years, CLARITY for this year to come, for this month, for this week,…

CLARITY about the destination you want to reach. If you don’t know where you want to go, then how can you reach your destination ?

Be CLEAR about the targets you are trying to reach, about the person you want to be, about what matters to you, about how much time you want to spend working, playing with the kids, being intentional with your partner, praying,…. Are you CLEAR about all that ? If the answer to this question is “no”, then you need to go back to this first step for any transformation you want to achieve in your life.

If I ask you :”Give me 3 qualities that define the person you want to be”, could you give them to me right away ? Again, if the answer to this question is “no”, then it is the indication that some work needs to be done there. 

Have you ever asked yourself questions as : “Who am I ?” and “What is my purpose in life ?”. Very philosophical questions but crucial questions !!!

It is important to spend time reflecting, meditating, praying, discussing with your partner and with your coach about these questions. Then when the answers are clear, we can define the goals that will make us becoming the person we want to become. The long term goals become natural and intuitive. 

And from there, you can define your intermediate goals for this year, for this month, for this week.

My mentors have always been unanimous about the importance of seeking clarity every Sunday for the week. Taking the time for an hour every Sunday to ask the questions : “What do I want to achieve this week ?”, “What are my goals this week ?”, “What are the steps this week that will bring me closer to the person I want to become”. Very powerful process ! It makes you being intentional and proactive for your week instead of being reactive and just showing up to work on Monday morning. Just showing up is not good enough anymore. It is a good step but if you have the ambition to be at the top, then you need to be intentional : coming to a meeting, getting with your spouse, going to a sport event,…with CLEAR intentions, with CLEAR expectations, with CLEAR targets in mind.

I implement the same process every morning after my morning routines. I open my workbook and write down my entire day : work related, physically related, spiritually related, relationship related,…Everything. I daydream my day. I make my day happened in my mind when it is still 8 o’clock. Does it happen always according to plan ? Oh no ! Pretty much every day, something unexpected derails me or I derail myself. But because I am ready for my day prior to it because I am CLEAR in my mind about what I want to achieve during my day, I reach a level of performance much higher than if I didn’t get through that process religiously.

Seek CLARITY and you will start to achieve much more !

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