Be Strong Develop your Mind Work on your habits


All of us think every day about what we want to do to improve our lives. How to get smarter, stronger, improve our intimate relationship, develop more muscles, get a promotion, make more money,…

I really believe that a lot of people think about what they need to do to improve their lives. And that’s wonderful !!! But then they think about what the obstacles are, in other words, why they cannot do immediately.

“Oh I am too tired today but tomorrow for sure I will go to the gym”. 

“Yes I need to work on this business idea tonight, but I first want to relax from my day in front of a good movie. Then I will work on it”.

We all have been guilty of choosing to listen the “excuses voice”. And it is a MISTAKE ! It pushes away from your dreams, from your goals. Every time, you hear the “excuses voice”; you are at risk of staying stuck.

If you wonder when to start to act on your plan, the answer is : NOW.

If you wonder where to start to act on your plan, the answer is : HERE.

The conditions are not optimum, your business idea needs a lot of additional reflection, it doesn’t matter. Start HERE, and Start NOW. 

You don’t have the right gym shoes, or you need to buy a water bottle, it doesn’t matter. Start HERE, and Start NOW.

The results after a first try will be messy, and that’s ok. You will still be several steps ahead in front of your competition who is still thinking about it. You will still be better than the person you were before you started.

You will need to adjust, to improve, to adapt, and that’s ok. You will still be in front of the competition, in front of the old yourself.

If every day, you just start. Then every day, you make progress. If every day, you make a little bit of progress, very quickly the progress will be huge.

Don’t try to be perfect. Don’t wait for the perfect conditions. It is HERE and NOW that you can start to make a difference. Your biggest enemy is “One day, I will…”. “One day” doesn’t exist. “One day” is not a day of the week. “One day” is part of the utopia world.

Be in the Now, Be in the present. The past is done and there is nothing you can do about it. The future has not yet happened and depend on one thing : what you are doing in the present. The present is full of possibilities. The present is shaping your future. Where you will be in one month is defined by what you are doing NOW. In one month, you wish you would have started today. If you don’t start today, you will be in the same place in one month.

And what makes anyone happy ? Progress. If you don’t make progress, you don’t have this feeling of being complete, of being proud, of feeling a sense of accomplishment. 

Progress is key in our quest to Happiness. Everyone wants to be happy and I promise you my Brothers and Sisters, that without Progress, there is always something that will be missing in your life. True Happiness will remain a gap in your life.

But if you want to make Progress, you need to start. You need to start HERE, you need to start NOW. Stop thinking about it, stop dreaming about it. 

Make it happen !

HERE and NOW !!!!

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