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Choose a different identity, it will change your behavior

Every day, we make hundreds of decisions. Some are conscious, some are unconscious. But most of them are made based on who we believe we are: our identity. For example, if you believe you are a very healthy identity, the chances you are going to go to the gym are pretty high. On the contrary, if you believe you are not at all athletic, it is going to be very hard to go to the gym.

This is why it is essential to choose wisely your identity. Because here is the good news: You can choose it! And align it with your future goals!

But what is Identity? Identity encompasses our beliefs, values and self-perception. It is the lens through which we view ourselves. It is very hard to take actions against the identity you believe you have. The sad part is that most people believe that their identity comes from things they don’t control such as genetics, their environment, their family…”My parents have always mismanaged their financials. So, it isn’t surprising that I struggle with money as well”. This is a fixed mindset mentality, a victim way of thinking. In reality, it is who you decide to be, that counts. Not your parents. Not your place of birth. Not your age. Not your genetics.

Choose who you want to be!

And how we choose to be? By applying the destination principle.
Imagine you’re planning a trip. You have a specific destination in mind—a place you’ve always dreamed of visiting. To reach that destination, you’ll make decisions about routes, transportation, and accommodations. Your choices will be guided by the desire to arrive at your dream location.

Similarly, in life, we should choose an identity based on our desired destination. Ask yourself:

Where do I want to be in five years?
What kind of person do I want to become?
What values and principles matter most to me?
Our past experiences shape us, but they don’t define us entirely. Often, we carry baggage from past mistakes, limiting beliefs, or negative experiences. However, our destination lies ahead, not behind. Therefore, we must consciously select an identity that propels us toward our goals.

Let’s get to some practical steps:

  1. Reflect on Your Desired Destination
    Take time to envision your future. What does success look like for you? Consider career achievements, personal growth, relationships, health and financials. Your identity should align with this vision.
  2. Identify Core Values
    What principles guide your decisions? Honesty, integrity, compassion, resilience? These values form the foundation of your identity. Choose them intentionally.
  3. Monitor Your Behavior
    Consistency requires awareness. Regularly assess your actions. Are they in line with your chosen identity? Adjust as needed.
  4. Give a name to your future self, such as “Tony”. Then every time you are about to do something, to decide something, ask yourself: “What would “Tony” (the future me) do?”

The more you think, speak and act as your future self, the more you are becoming your future self. And the closer you are getting to your goals.

This is the power of a chosen identity.

Your Successful Habits Coach,

Anthony Perdrix

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