Develop your Mind Have a Plan Work on your habits


“The price of greatness is responsibility” : Winston Churchill : British Stateman, Prime Minister, Nobel-prize winning writer, key leader of Europe liberation from Nazism

“The moment you take responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you can change anything in your life.” Hal Elrod : American author, keynote speaker, success coach and cancer survivor ! Hal Elrod is the author of the bestselling book “The Miracle Morning” who has inspired thousands of people to take ownership of their life starting by their morning routine.

“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility” Eleanor Roosevelt : American political figure, diplomat and activist. She served as the first lady of the United States for 12 years making her the longest-serving first lady of the country.


Taking full responsibility of your life requires a paradigm shift. It requires for you to look at your life with a different eye. Of course, a lot of things that happened to you are not your fault. But fault and responsibility are two different things. It was not my fault when my wife suddenly passed away from an unexpected brain aneurism rupture but it was for sure my responsibility to raise my 2 kids who were 6 and 4 years old when their mom passed. Because nobody was going to do it for me !

It is not your fault if today you have cancer, your kid is sick, or your boss is a butthole. But it is your responsibility to define your actions from now on about this situation. You can eat healthier to better fight the cancer, you can love more your kid and give him strength, you can shine within your company and be a high performer even with a boss being a low performer. In every situation, you have a choice of either being a victim or being a problem solver.

It is time to change our mindset. To switch from being a victim of outside forces to having an empowered mindset. Starting today, things don’t happen to you anymore. They happen for you.

Remember that in the past you have been through a lot. You can confront failure again. You can take risks again. The most powerful avenue to achieve that is by working on your self-esteem. Be proud of who you are ! and who you are going to become by taking full responsibility of your life.

Remember that If you have a low self-esteem, it’s coming from negative thoughts.. And this low self-esteem causes procrastination. And procrastination causes inaction. And when you are not acting, you are dying. It is essential for you to focus on having positive thoughts. In every situation of each day, watch at the way you are reacting, especially when you learn some bad or disappointing news.

Just like a muscle, work on this positive thinking. “Ok, the car has broken down. Now what ? Can I take care of this situation ? Can I find a solution ?”

For you to have positive thoughts, you need to develop your self-awareness. To improve your self-awareness you need to meditate, journal, read, reflect and discuss with others. As your self awareness grows you need to identify your negative thoughts and replace immediately those negative thoughts with positive ones.

Remember : you are not yet the person who is going to achieve your goals. You have to become that person. So embrace the journey that will make you become that person.

Ask yourself : “Why not me ? Why not me being successful but some other people can ? Are they smarter, better, stronger, more connected than me ?” I don’t think so. So answer: “why not me ?” The answer is there is absolutely no reason. You can too ! You just need to take full responsibility of your life.

Here are the key actions you can implement for you to become the C.E.O. of your life

1. Develop your self-awareness through meditating, journaling, praying, discussing with close friends,…AND making an habit to observe how you feel during the day

2. Make the habit of identifying negative thoughts, and replacing them with positive thoughts

3. Take action towards your goals everyday. Take action again and again. It doesn’t matter if it is small. It doesn’t matter that your are just walking today for just 5’ when your goal is to run a marathon. When you take action everyday, you tell your brain : “I am in charge and I am moving towards my goals every day. There is not other option”

4. Commit to these actions. Have a plan to define on how to achieve your goals.

5. Have faith. Watch how you speak to yourself. Be positive and kind towards you.

6. Learn to not be upset with issues. Ask yourself “will it matter in 5 years ?” If the answer is “no”, then you have 5 minutes to eliminate this negative thought from your brain.

7. Stop complaining, judging, gossiping : it is a waste of time ! It may make you feel good temporarily but it is a hard price to pay for a small benefit. Hard price because these negative behaviors, these negative thoughts, these negative words that you are using when you complain, when you judge, when you gossip, makes you stuck !

Once you have complained about our government, are you in a better position to achieve your goals ? When you judge the neighbor, do you become a better person ? It is just a waste of your time.

“Now, I am going to make this day awesome. Are you with me ?”

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