Be Strong Develop your Mind

Why not me ?

I see people being successful, happy and wealthy. I see entrepreneurs building empires from the ground. I see men being the head of a strong family with incredible values transmitted from generations to generations. I see husbands keeping their couple as a top priority in their life. I see leaders having an enormous positive impact on others’ life. I see generous human beings giving their money, time and resources to others. I see successful business men building a fortune that will give them and their family true financial freedom.

Can I do that ? What if I could do it ?

There are plenty of reasons running in my mind about why I cannot achieve such incredible results. But what if ? what if these reasons were not true ? What if the mind is tricking me ? What if the power to achieve my dreams is in me ?

Then, it would incredible. It would be amazing ! It would be :


When I look at these successful people around me, I realize they had reasons to fail too. So let me ask a question : why them ? and why not me ?

Really, I am dead serious, why not me ?

And I have the same question for you : why not you ?

The answer is : there is absolutely no reason for me or you to achieve our dreams like others have achieve theirs. We can pull off what others have been able to pull off.

Tonight, I feel very curious. I want to test myself. I want to see what true potential I have, starting now. It is going to be scary. It is going to be risky. But as Jim Rohn used to say :’life is risky anyway !”. So let’s go for it. Let’s start tonight. I am committing to push myself more into the unknown, into the greatness, into the amazing life, into the life worth living. Because I know right at this moment, that there is absolutely no reason for me to not achieve my dreams. And I surely do hope that you are making the same commitment.

Why not me ?…..

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