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What is self-development ?

Self development is the ability to grow to a better you. Have you ever asked yourself questions like “why am I here on Earth ?”, “What is my purpose ?”, “What do I want to accomplish in my life ?”, “what fulfills me ?”,…

I am sure you have ! And I know I have especially asked myself those questions as I have reached the 40’s. In the last couple of years, I have reflected a lot about my purpose in my life. It took me time but what I want to accomplish in the next 40 years has become very clear to me. There are actually very effective methods to define your purpose. And we will have a separated post dedicated to that.

So once you know the person you want to be, then you know your destination. You know where you want to arrive : the “future you”. You also need to know where you are now : “the now you”. There are also good techniques to evaluate the person you are. Note that I said “evaluate”, not “judge”. Don’t judge yourself. It is toxic, counter-productive, useless. We are all human beings with strengths and weaknesses. Judging the weaknesses will not get you anywhere. Being aware of them will, on the other hand, help you to understand your opportunities.

By looking at “the now you” and “the future you”, you can see the gaps. Don’t be discouraged by these gaps. Be excited. These are opportunities !!!!

Self-development is the journey, the path to move from “the now you” to “the future you”. You want more muscles ? self-development will get you there. You want more know knowledge in a specific area ? self-development will get you there. You want to accomplish more, be more productive ? Self-development will get you there. You want to launch a new company and become an entrepreneur ? Self-development will get you there. Self-development is making your dreams come true by making you become the person you are meant to be.

Most people stay stuck in the story of their past. They have always been overweight, so they think their future is to be overweight. They have have always been poor, so they think their future is to be poor, Their intimate relationship has always been dysfunctional, so they think their future is to have a dysfunctional relationship.

That doesn’t have to be !!!! Choose self-development. Choose to take in charge your future. Understand you have a choice ! This choice is to become “the better you”, “the future you”, the you who makes your dreams come true.

“Make your life a masterpiece, imagine no limitation on what you can be, have or do” Brian Tracy

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