Be Strong Develop your Mind

Fear is the #1 dream killer in our world : It is time to wake up !

Our recommendation for a healthy life :

Marisa Peer’s hypnosis courses have helped over 35,000 people transform their lives for the better. Marisa Peer offers affordable, downloadable video courses which can be accessed from the comfort of your own home to help anyone to overcome a whole host of issues such as confidence, anxiety or anything that might be holding them back.

It is time to wake up my dear friends !!! Life is short and one day, we are going to die. Do you want to die being full of regrets, knowing you didn’t use your God give talents ? Of course, not !

So it is time to wake up !!! It is time to achieve your dreams, what you were born for, what you are meant to become, do and achieve. It is time to make a difference in this world. It is time to put what truly matters to you as a first priority.

But how ? should you ask. Well, it is a long and difficult journey. But it is truly possible !!! It is truly achievable or as the famous personal development coach and author Marie Forleo says “Everything is figureoutable !”. Starting by finding the path to your life dreams.

One key step in the process is to conquer your fear. Because these dreams are very important to you, they also bring a lot of fears to you. The stakes are high and your entire body feels it. So logically you are afraid !!!


Our recommendation for a healthy life :

Marisa Peer’s hypnosis courses have helped over 35,000 people transform their lives for the better. Marisa Peer offers affordable, downloadable video courses which can be accessed from the comfort of your own home to help anyone to overcome a whole host of issues such as confidence, anxiety or anything that might be holding them back.

So where to go from there ? There is an easy tool you can use.

Take a notepad and write down your “worst case scenario”. Just imagine that you go for it and that everything “goes to hell”. Then what is the worst thing that can happen ? List all the things that can go wrong. Write them down. Really ! Don’t just think about it. WRITE THEM DOWN. And then reflect : are there ways to limit the negative impact ? are there ways for you to still be ok even if things go south ?

Then, switch to : “what if it works ?”, then what would be the impact ? WRITE THEM DOWN too. And then compare. Compare “the worst case scenario” with “what if it works”. If the “what if it works” outweighs the “worst case scenario”, then you know it is going to be worth it. Especially if you have a plan in case of things going south. Even if the journey is bumpy, even if there is some melt down, even if there are some bad surprises; at the end, the result is going to be unbelievable. And you will be so happy, so proud, feeling so complete, feeling so successful.

That’s how the magic works.

So wake up ! And let’s conquer our fears !!!

Our recommendation for a healthy life :

Marisa Peer’s hypnosis courses have helped over 35,000 people transform their lives for the better. Marisa Peer offers affordable, downloadable video courses which can be accessed from the comfort of your own home to help anyone to overcome a whole host of issues such as confidence, anxiety or anything that might be holding them back.

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