Develop your Mind

Garbage In Garbage Out

If you want to be healthy, you need to put healthy food in your body, right ? Everybody understands that. Well, if you want a healthy mind, you need to put healthy thoughts in it. 

But if you put negative influence to your mind, then you will most likely struggle to remain positive and full of energy.

That’s what Brian Tracy, motivational public speaker and author of eighty books about self-development calls : “Garbage in, Garbage out”.

Put trash in your mind, and you will have negative thoughts, demonstrate negative behavior and use negative words. 

So, you need to watch your thoughts ! And your thoughts are mainly influenced by your background. Who do you hang with ? Mainly positive or mainly negative people ? What do you read ? What do you watch ? What do you listen to ?

What do you start your day with ? Do you switch on the TV and watch the news to learn about the latest catastrophy that happened in the world ? Do you start your day with the latest information about recent strike, the latest car accidents and deaths, and political scandals…what about starting your day with wars, famins, and children abuse ? Feel good about your day now ?

Watch what you put in your mind !

What do you do in your spare time ? How much room does gossip have in your life ?

Here is the good news : the opposite is true ! And it is : “Good In, Good Out”.

Have you realized the influence of positive people in your life ? 

My wife is the most positive person I know. And since we have been dating, I have realized how much positive influence she has had on me. I was already a pretty positive person I believe. But with her by my side, I have reached a complete new level, especially in stressful situations. I have always admired how strong she is in seeing the good in any situation. And when I find myself in one of these bad situations, I immediately think about how she would react. And I try to organize my thoughts and my emotions accordingly. She puts Good in me and as a consequence, I get Good out of me !!!!

What about listening ? I have taken the habit while commuting to work, to listen to podcasts and Youtube channels about personal development. Do you know how I feel when I arrive at work ? I am pumped ! It is show time ! Good in, Good out !!!

When I choose a book, I now think about how it will make me feel, how it will make me grow,…

This is also how I look at people around me. How do I feel after hanging with them ? Inspired or depressed ? I love spending time with people who are inspiring, and I love to return the favor…And the more you practice, the more you create the inspiration around you !

Good in, Good out has a compound effect ! The more you practice, the bigger the acceleration is in your growth, in your development, in your happiness, in your creativity, in your positivity,…

The key point in this law is to start being conscious of the impact that all you put in your mind has on your results. 

It all starts by being mindful and intentional. Realizing how you feel and your emotions after the influence of such and such intake. And based on that, starting to make wiser choices on what should be your intakes in your life. What do you want to fuel your day with ? 

How do you want to start your day with ? What do you want to read ? to listen to ? to watch ? who to hang out with ?

You need to make conscious decisions to avoid the Garbarge that could go in your mind and choose instead the Good.

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Good In, Good Out

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