Work on your habits

Choose to be uncomfortable

Why do you go to the gym and decide to have a great workout session ? Is it for the pain ? for the sweat ? for the boring treadmill ? for the suffering ? Heck no ! You go there because you know it will make your muscles grow. And guess what ? The muscles will get torn down through the process, and then grow.

Well that precise process can be applied to all fields of life. You need to go through short term pain to gain long term growth. You need to accept the present suffering for the future better of yourself. Look, nobody, enjoys pain but it is part of life. 

As the famous motivational speaker Jim Rohn used to say : “The only way it gets better for you is when you get better. Better is not something you wish, it’s something you become.” 

It is pretty simple when you think about it. The only way to be successful is by working on you. You want a better life ? Work on yourself. You want a better job ? Work on yourself. You want a better marriage ? Work on yourself. You want a better health ? Work on yourself. 

The better you become, the better your life will get.

Then, the question is how do you get better ? How do you work on yourself ?

By being uncomfortable !!!

Just like our muscles, we need to be uncomfortable first to become better later.

List the skills that you are not good at but are honestly necessary for the success of your business. Not an easy exercice, I know ! It hurts the ego. 

But you need to put everything into perspective. Everyone sucks at something, and I can assure you  much more than one thing. So identifying the skills you are not good at is just being honest. But everyone has struggles, everyone has weaknesses, everyone sucks at something.

So don’t be shy ! Be honest with yourself !

The best way is to list all the skills needed for your enterprise, and then rate your current performance on each. Identify then the 5 skills on which you have the lowest performance. THat’s where you need to grow !

Is it uncomfortable ? Oh yes !!! Then it is perfect.

You suck at sales call ? Place sales call. You suck at listening to people ? Sit down with your team and listen to them. You suck at marketing ? Block 50% of your calendar this week to be focused on marketing activities. Read about it, learn about it, get knowledge about it and then more important, act on it ! 

Remember : knowledge is not power, it is potential power. Only if you take actions, then it becomes power. 

It will feel first awkward, weird, uncomfortable. Normal, remember, you are not good at it ! 

And that is the exact reason why most people don’t work on it and as a consequence, don’t grow, and don’t get better results. 

If there is one theme that keeps coming back from successful people about their secret for success, it is failure ! You have to fail often to grow and learn. Michael Jordan has summed it up for us : “I have failed over, and over, and over again in my life…And that is why I succeed”

But the more you practice that skill, the better you get at it. So through that painful process, you are getting additional skills, skills that are key for your success. Just imagine how much more money, love, health,…you can get through that process.

Identify these needed skills that you are not good at, work on them over and over, don’t focus on the present pain, remember the long term benefit to come, accept the failures, but do not stop until you master the skill. Choose another skill and then repeat again. Do that over and over, and your results are going to double, triple,… in a way you have never experienced in the past.

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