Develop your Mind

Unlimited Potential

We are all born with fabulous talents. Don’t tell me you don’t have any talent, because it is not true.
Whether you believe it or not is a different story, but you do have talents. Your opinion about this doesn’t matter. It is a FACT ! Your talents are in you ! God has given you these even before you were born. I have never met anybody who doesn’t have any talent. And I know I will never, because again everybody has talents. Now these talents are different from one individual to another : it can be to play basketball, to paint beautiful canvas, to write books, to sing….
So sit down, and reflect. Be honest with yourself and count your talents. List them, write them down.
Now, you have to make a decision. Are your going to live an extraordinary life using your God given talents or are you just going to live an ordinary life ? Does it feel uncomfortable ? Of course, yes ! Does it feel scary ? Of course, yes ! But it is worthy !!!
If you are not interested in using your talents, you can stop reading this post. But if you are interested, because you are a high achiever, and you want this wonderful promised life, then you are ready for the next step. The next step is to change your beliefs. You need to start to believe that it is possible. You need to become aware of the beliefs you have today and recognized which one are negative, which one are limiting
you. Awareness is the first step. When you recognize your limited beliefs, then you can start working on them and wondering where they are coming from. Did someone convince you you were limited ? Did you put it in your mind a long time ago and just carried it over ? When you look at your limited beliefs, you start to realize that they objectively don’t have any real foundations. They are just opinions.
Remember that there was a time, people thought that the earth was flat. Everyone was sure of it. But it was not true…..
Look at these limited beliefs, and start to change them. Start with positive daily affirmation. Write down your new unlimited beliefs. Make them your new standard. Speak with people you are close to, and share with them your new beliefs. Share them on our Facebook page. The fact of voicing them out loud will make them more real to you.
And then take actions. Again, and again, Actions towards these new beliefs. Step in. Do stuff. Art Williams, who moved from being a high school football coach to be the founder of one of the top life insurance in the USA said it well in his famous “Just Do it” speech. I highly recommend listening to this
speech that you can easily find on Youtube.

And progressively you will get results. More and more results. It will then reinforce your unlimited beliefs and push you towards more actions. That’s the cycle of success. You just need step in into it.

“We are getting better, stronger, kinder, wiser together” – Anthony Perdrix

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