Develop your Mind Have a Plan Work on your habits

The power of small never ending continuous improvements

Too much in our society, big chances are seen as the way to make improvements. Let’s take an example. Millions of Americans want to improve their health. They especially want to be lose weight. So what do they go with ? They go with strict diets : vegetarian, vegan, paleo,..diets; they commit to got to the gym every day with at least a one hour workout,…but what is the result ? They meet their commitment maybe the first week, but then progressively or suddenly they give up. Why ? Because it is not sustainable!!! Why ? Because it is too much of a change.

The secret in being successful is to have a clear vision about what you want to achieve and then to work towards it a little bit everyday. Don’t look for the short term ! Ads selling a dramatic change in 30 days are your enemies. What they don’t tell you is that even if you achieve your target in 30 days, you are at high risk of gaining all your weight back very quickly, and even to gain more !

That is why so many Americans are obese today despite having access to the best information possible about what to do to be healthy.

The truth is that we are being sold lies. The truth relies in small never ending continuous improvement. Can you improve yourself this week by just 1% ? The answer is obviously yes. Well, can you do another 1% improvement the following week. The answer is yes again. It is easy because it is small. But if you keep doing that every week, you will have incredible improvement. The truth is being healthier resides in making a small change on you and stay committed to it.

This week, just commit to drink 30 ounces of water every day. That’s not difficult, that’s easy and that’s sustainable. But if you keep doing that every day and every week, you will see concrete improvements. And then next week, add something to it, like walking 10’ after work in the neighborhood.

And you can do the same in every area of your life. Being consistent is the key ingredient to success. Successful people have clear routines that force them to progressively improve. And every week, they add just a little bit to the routine. Just add 1% is the secret.

So, think about the areas of your life that need to improve.

“We are getting better, stronger, kinder, wiser together” – Anthony Perdrix

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