Work on your habits


I have started to be happy the day I have understood my life depends mainly on…ME !!!

I have started to get closer to my results the day I have understood my life depends mainly on…ME !!!

It is time to stop complaining about what is happening in your life outside of your control : taxes, government, weather, the economy,… and take control of your life. Focus on you ! What can you do about your life ? How can you make your life better, stronger, happier ? By working on yourself. By growing. By learning. By doing things you have not done before. By spending time with people who can coach you, teach you, and you can learn from.

According to Buddhists, we worry because we feel the need to be able to predict what is ahead of us, or to change the past. But we can’t ! So we worry ! And actually, by worrying we make the situation worse. It is the same thing by acting as the victim of all the things happening outside of our control. The best thing to stop worrying is to be in the present. To be in the doing. To be in the moment and to enjoy it.

You want to make progress ? Do something about it. You want to achieve goals ? Work on it.

Stop being a victim. Put your life into your own hands : it is the best way to achieve a life worth living.

It doesn’t matter if your actions are small. But doing something consistently does matter. Don’t try to do too much ! But try to do something.

Here is my Recipe :

  1. Stop Worrying
  2. Enjoy the present moment
  3. Do something now. It doesn’t have to be big but it has to be now
  4. Be aware of your own thoughts. When you realize you are complaining about a situation you have no control about, stop !
  5. Realize this is a wonderful news : your life depends actually on you and nobody or nothing else !
  6. You can achieve anything as long you have a plan and put hard work towards it

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